3 Musculoskeletal Problems That May Qualify You For Social Security Disability

Problems with the joints, muscles, and bones are among the most common reasons that people apply for social security disability. Here are some tips that can help you win social security disability benefits for three common musculoskeletal disorders.

Degenerative Joint Disease

Degenerative joint disease, also known as osteoarthritis, can severely limit mobility in the hands, back, and legs. This condition occurs as a result of the inflammation and breakdown of cartilage around the joints that is often associated with old age or genetic predisposition to the disease. Applicants for disability will be evaluated under different impairment listings, depending on the part of the body that is affected.

When applying for social security disability due to degenerative joint disease, it is important to show that your condition prevents you from performing normal actions that are required to complete your job duties. Pain and stiffness alone are not enough to qualify you for disability; instead, you should demonstrate that your condition limits activities such as walking, standing, bending, grasping, or lifting.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Desk workers, factory workers, and other people whose job involves repetitive motion with their hands are at risk of developing carpal tunnel syndrome. This condition occurs when soft tissue swelling puts pressure on the median nerve in the hand, wrist, and upper arm. Carpal tunnel syndrome can lead to numbness, pain, weakness, and loss of fine motor skills in the hands that may make any work using your hands impossible.

Even though carpal tunnel syndrome can seriously limit your ability to work, it can be difficult to receive social security disability benefits for this condition the first time you apply. It is likely that you will have to appeal your case and prove that your condition is preventing you from working.

There is no specific impairment listing for carpal tunnel syndrome, so it is often classified as peripheral neuropathy or soft-tissue injury. Your chances of receiving benefits will be higher if your carpal tunnel is a symptom of another condition, such as diabetes or arthritis.

You may need to provide medical records of nerve conduction studies and electromyography testing to prove the severity of your condition. Additionally, you will need to prove that carpal tunnel syndrome is limiting both your capacity for physical exertion, such as lifting and gripping, as well as fine motor skills that could be useful for sedentary work.

Nerve Root Compression

Nerve root compression is a spinal disorder that is caused by spinal discs placing pressure on the nerves in the spine. Nerve root compression is often a result of herniated spinal discs, a condition where the gelatinous center of the spinal discs, known as the nucleus pulposus, erupts through the outer fibrous layer of the discs and puts pressure on surrounding tissues and nerves.

Compression of the spinal nerves can lead to radiating pain throughout the entire back and severely limited mobility. In its most severe form, nerve root compression can prevent sufferers from walking entirely and require the use of a wheelchair.

If you are able to walk and stand but your nerve compression causes pain and stiffness that prevents physical exertion, a medical record showing MRI diagnosis of nerve root compression can be one of your best pieces of evidence when applying for disability. If you were previously employed at a sedentary occupation, you will need to show that your condition prevents you from focusing on your work or sitting for extended periods.

Musculoskeletal disorders can easily cause enough pain, weakness, and mental distraction to prevent you from completing your job duties. Use these tips to increase your chances of receiving social security disability benefits for common disorders. To start building your case, contact a professional social security disability attorney, such as those found at http://www.attorneyelkhartin.com.

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